Bridget Rose,
Intuitive Mentor + Life Coach

Hi there, I'm Bridget! I pride myself on helping clients find a fun and practical approach to their intuition. It can be so hard to figure out what we came here to do in a world that tells us what we “should” be. If you’re a dreamer, and know you are meant for more, I am here to help you discover what that is by giving you the tools to be able to carry out your unique blueprint.

Bridget Rose,
Intuitive Mentor + Life Coach

Hi there, I'm Bridget! I pride myself on helping clients find a fun and practical approach to their intuition. It can be so hard to figure out what we came here to do in a world that tells us what we “should” be. If you are a dreamer and know you are meant for more, I am here to help you discover what that is by giving you the tools to be able to carry out your unique blueprint.

My Journey

When I was 18 years old, life as I knew it was shattered when my best friend Julie passed away in a car accident on her way to my house. I learned so much from that day on through the grieving process and the power of someone’s story. I knew Julie would always be a part of my story, and that her death and friendship would never be something that I would take in vain. You can read more on Julie’s story and “Julie’s Law” linked here. 

Shortly after Julie’s passing, I was asked to come to a mediumship session with my friend. I had never gone to one before and thought “why not?!”. After my first session, it felt like I had an answer for my grief, and I started to use spirituality to make sense of her passing. I considered these sessions my yearly “check ups” with Julie. 

It wasn’t until 2017 when I realized I could start using these tools myself outside of sessions...

In 2017, I had just moved home from a whirlwind three years of living and teaching abroad. These were some of the best and beautifully challenging years of my life, which I wrote about extensively linked here. In this time, I lived in Spain for two years, Thailand for six months, and backpacked Australia for a month with the intent of staying two years. By the time I reached Australia, I was 24 going on what felt like 80. I was exhausted all of the time, riddled with anxiety, and having frequent fainting spells. It got so bad to the point that I could not drive.

Thus began my journey of inner healing.

I started seeing a Naturopathic doctor and listening more to what my body was telling me. I started building habits to restore a healthy connection to my body, along with going down the rabbithole of self development.

Chicago self love coach
strengthen your intuition workshop

In 2019, I had already been teaching for three years at a local Chicago high school. It was here that I started to get the inkling that I was meant for something different. I knew I loved teaching and had amazing students & colleagues, but my love for teaching couldn’t fix the fact that I felt constrained and overworked. I started getting readings that focused specifically on me and my strengths, versus just trying to connect with loved ones that crossed over.

I went to my first astrology birth chart reading in April of 2019 (Done by Lauren @ The Modern Astrologer) and she told me that it was a good possibility that I would start my own business that would be spiritually based. I had NO clue how I was going to get there, but it felt right!

Once the pandemic hit in 2020, I started pulling oracle + tarot cards on my instagram stories to help people gain some clarity and comfort. What I did not know was that doing this would eventually lead to the beginning of my business. That same year, I took a class on how to develop your intuition by my mentor turned dear friend Angelica Grace @angelicagracec.

I shortly thereafter started my business, and the rest as they say, is history!

Connecting to my intuition is a daily work in progress. I am not perfect and do not strive to be. All of the practices I teach are from years of self development, going down the spiritual rabbit hole, and embracing life’s experiences. I hope that through my story and practices that you learn something valuable. I am here to reflect your innate power back to you, and am also excited to learn from you along the way!

new york spiritual journey