Let's work together

My sessions are designed to help you embody your intuition and unique blueprint. I am here to help you listen to the sound of your soul to take the practical steps towards your dreams. Have a look at my offerings below!

oracle card reading

Let's work together

My coaching style and programs are designed to help you embody your intuition and unique blueprint. I am here to help you embrace the side of you that is ready to say YES to the newest version of yourself. Have a look at my offerings below!

1:1 Mentorship and Coaching

My coaching style is a holistic blend of intuition, mindfulness and attainable goal setting. I believe that you are your own best healer, and I am here to support the evolution of becoming the best version of yourself. 

My intention with these programs is for you to feel a sense of peace within your life, a vision for what this will look like, and clear action steps to embrace this version of you.

My signature programs include the Intuitive Mentorship Program, Soulpreneur Business Coaching and Intuitive Coaching. You can learn more about these programs and my style of coaching, linked here. You can also apply directly to get started, linked here.

After working with me 1:1 you will...

Have strong foundational tools to live life intuitively

Have a deeper understanding of self

Feel confident on your path

Have less daily stress + anxiety

Find clarity for where you are headed on your journey

Feel healthier and more connected to your body + mind

This is for you if...

You know you are meant for more and want to take the next leap, but need more support getting there

You want to learn how to have the foundational tools to find clarity from within

You want to strengthen your intuition, mindset and confidence

You are ready to have fun learning about yourself in the process

Just Ask Kari...


"Working with Bridget was truly a gift. After experiencing an intuitive guidance session with her, I was floored by the accuracy and depth of insight it provided. Months later, as I felt a calling to do something bigger with my life, I knew it was time to pursue my dreams wholeheartedly and focus on my entrepreneurial endeavors. That's when I made the decision to enroll in Bridget's coaching program.

From the start, I felt a strong resonance with Bridget's approach. Her guidance helped me not only to deepen my connection with my intuition but also to trust myself more fully when it came to making big decisions. Throughout the time working with Bridget, I gained a better understanding of how to tap into my unique intuition.

Working alongside Bridget helped me develop courage, confidence, and clarity around my spiritual gifts and purpose. Her support and validation reassured me that I was indeed on the right path. I felt truly seen and empowered to chase my dreams with conviction. Bridget's coaching has been instrumental in helping me align with my true self and take big steps towards standing in my power and chasing my dreams. Throughout the process I felt like I had a coach, friend, and soul sister in my corner cheering me on. I highly recommend to anyone looking for a little guidance to discover and develop their intuition."

- Kari, 1:1 Coaching Client

Ready to dive in?



Intuitive Guidance Sessions

These sessions are a blend of intuitive guidance and coaching. My intention is to guide you back to your own inner knowing, help you find clarity, and leave feeling inspired. 

What's Included...

Intuitive guidance to help you hear the sound of your soul. This includes a guided meditation and card pulls for clarity.

You will receive a PDF workbook at the end with the cards, guided journal prompts, and suggested action steps

Each session begins with going through your meditation message, and then is followed up by an open dialogue using the cards as a tool for clarity

This is for you if...

You want more of a reading-style based session and do not want to commit to a coaching program

You want to learn how to find answers from within, while having a mentor to help in the process

You want direct clarity to feel more confident on your journey

New York Intuition Coach

Not quite sure what you need? Let's chat!